ACM are new machines to the market but built off a tried and true design that I have worked with for over 10 years with some nice extra features that the old Sab Jolly missed such as barista down lights, lever steam taps and built in shot timers.
The new ACM range are great entry level machines that are easy to service, parts availably is good and I carry an extensive selection to keep customers running and down time to a minimum.
I love Rocket, well made, quality components, easy to work on. The Rocket Boxer is one of my favorite machines, elegant, small foot print, easy to powder coat in different colours.
I find these are great for mobile setups where space is a premium, they come with built in shot timers, 1/4 turn steam taps and a cold water mixing valve to adjust the water temperature. Great machine for new cafes.

Wega Espresso Machines
Wega have been making quality Espresso machines for decades, they are know as an industry workhorse for cafes around the world. The two main models I offer are the Pegaso, a simple heat exchange machine with the classic E61 brew head as a strong entry level machine and the Polaris Tron, with built in shot timers, auto on and off settings, lever steam taps and barista down lights.
Both machines are built well, easy to repair and service.

XLVI Espresso Machines
XLVI are a relatively new comer to the Espresso equipment market but have made some great development over that time, I have found them really good at taking on feed back from the end user and they are constantly improving that refining their equipment.
The XLVI Steamhammer is their PID controlled heat exchange machine, that offers impressive thermal stability from its heating system and use of E61 brew groups. It has an eco mode to allow cooling and power savings overnight while not allowing full heat cycling of the boiler and fittings that can lead to other issues due to the expansion and contraction of metal. They have lever steam handles, cold water mixing tea spout, built in shot timers and an external water pump which reduces vibration in and nose. They have proven to be a great match for machines like the Wega Polaris and a cheaper alternative to some multi boiler machines.

La Marzocco Espresso Machines
My first machine was a La Marzocco Linea Classic, one of the iconic machines for the coffee industry across the world. It holds a special spot in a lot of coffee technicians hearts for its performance and simplicity.
Unfortunately the Linea Classic was retired in 2023 with the new Classic S replacing it.
Elegant design, innovative technologies, constant development. La Marzocco has a great range of duel and multi boiler machines from the new Linea Classic S to the top end Strada S.
These machines are packed with features and are strong performers in busy cafes all over the world.
La Marzocco are one of the few brands using stainless steel to construct their boilers, this means that they do require a Revers Osmosis filter system in Western Australia to protect the machine from our harsh water with high levels of chlorides.

Synesso Espresso Machines
I have been working with Synesso machines for the past 5 years, like La Marzocco they use stainless steel boilers requiring Revers Osmosis filtration.
Synesso hail form Seattle and are one of the few manufactures outside of Italy. Their machines are built with serviceability and longevity in mind. Very solid construction and simple systems, all their machines are multi boilers while also using a heat exchange in the steam boiler to pre-heat the water going to the brew boilers. This is why Synesso are know for their superior thermal stability.
The S200 and S300 machines are the entry level model offering a low profile and great performance while the MVP and MVP Hydra offer more functions with the Hydra sporting independent pumps for each group to allow unsurpassed pressure control during extraction with its ability to ramp up or down the pressure going through the coffee puck.
I was introduced to the Markibar range a few years ago, the Izaga Key was a revelation to my customers that tried it, with its pre-grind function, storing the next shot in a chamber ready to go when the barista wanted it, we found that it increased workflow and saved 6 or more seconds for every coffee. Then when its not peak periods it can be switch to a traditional "grind on demand" mode. Very uniform practical size also meant better extractions with more clarity in the espresso. Because the ground coffee also drops into a chamber before being delivered to the portafilter/handle we have found there is less channeling and very little wastage.
The original Izaga Key is very accurate with its dosing, about 0.5g +/- the target.
Since then there are two new models, the entry level Quimboa, most of the features of the Izaga Key but no cooling fan or thermal separation of the motor so its not designed for high volume accounts.
The other grinder is the Izaga Grind By Weight, the only grind by weight - pre-grind grinder on the market.
On testing we have noticed a maximum variance of 0.3g with grind weight generally being bang on the target or 0.1g +/-
Its an incredible grinder especially if you have low skilled coffee staff that struggle with adjusting a grinder and getting the correct amount of coffee in the basket.

Mazzer Coffee Grinders
Mazzer, its been an industry standard since Adam was a boy.
They have a great range of grinders for all different applications, from home use to 100+ Kgs a week cafes.
The old pull handle grinders are being fazed out and the more electronic ones taking center stage with the E range of grind on demand and now the newer S and V models. Mazzer are built well, have accessible parts and very rarely breakdown.
Unfortunately a lot of online sellers stock Mazzer and offer them well below the recommended retail price, close to what I can buy them for, so there is very little margin in the range for me to be able to support aftersales service or any warranty issues if I try and price match them.
I can supply any Mazzer grinder but pricing will be close to RRP. Its a case of large on-line sellers buying in bulk and discounting to get sales, sending equipment out to regional customers and not offering any post sale support. In contrast Espresso Medics' relationship with customers starts with the equipment and gets stronger over time with quality support.

Ubermilk Systems
If you are finding that milk service is slowing your coffee business down then an Ubermilk system might be for you.
These are a bunch top unit that draws milk up, heats and textures it and delivers it into a jug or straight into a takeaway cup.
Set up correctly these units can save massive amounts of time and increase consistency of milk texturing, reduction in wasted milk allowing allowing your staff to focus on other tasks.
The ideal setup is to have a milk fridge under the unit with 2 or more 20L tubs of milk that staff can refill during slow service periods. Eliminating the need to open new milk containers every 1-2 or 3L, instead they just move the milk line into the next tub and continue serving.
There are some limiting factors with the machine, such as it only textures one milk to one temperature at one texture, but you normally set it to what ever your main milk requirement is and all other milks are still done on the coffee machine. Used right it effectively saves about half a staff members labour a day.
If your interested in an Ubermilk please give me a call and I can discuses the other factors to consider and possibly arrange a demonstration.